Hello world,

my name is

Arianna O'Neil

Ari O'Neil

compsci student & coffee drinker

About Me

Hello, real world!

My Hobbies


Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science


May 2020

Various guides and tutorials related to software development that college coursework did not cover.

(A special thank you to StackOverflow, as always)


Overworld Logo


Senior Capstone Project



Final Project for COMP335 Web Application Development

Super Mario

Emulate a Gameboy

Project for COMP406 Computer Architecture



Personal Website

Side Project

Related Experience

Operating System from Scratch

Operating System created from scratch via the Linux terminal environment, programming in C, and implementing assembly code. Compared to as powerful as MS-DOS version 1.


Snake Game (Java)

Employed linked lists and other data structures to create a personal rendition of a classic game.

Text-Based Adventure Game (C++)

Implemented object-oriented design to create a multipath adventure game based on user input.

Arduino Board/Raspberry Pi Projects

As a hobby on the side, I have been tinkering with projects such as connecting the Pi to a microcontroller (Arduino) to try and run some lights.